
Amazon CloudFormation announces support for StackSets Resource Type. This is MAGIC.

Now with CloudFormation, AWS (Amazon Web Services) has released a new feature for spinning up application resources and applications to multiple AWS accounts and those accounts can span multiple regions. This capability can be configured through defining one CloudFormation stack with the necessary options defined in your yaml or json file. So let’s back up […]


What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for relational databases. According to, the top ranking database engines use some form or variation of the language for performing database operations like creating, updating, deleting, or reading data. I wanted to get more familiar with using SQL this weekend so I followed some basic […]


Watching Over Your Instances With Amazon CloudWatch Agent

Amazon CloudWatch Agent is officially Open Source technology, and now comes pre-baked in Amazon Linux 2 instances. Amazon CloudWatch is a service that allows for tracking and monitoring the health and activity of your AWS resources and applications. Now the CloudWatch Agent comes pre-packaged into Linux 2 instances that you can easily spin up with […]