
Advancing the NFL with AWS Analytics

The National Football League (NFL) is taking machine learning and applied data science to the field. The 2020 NFL season is close to kicking off. And they are using machine learning with Amazon Web Services to power some of their most impactful data points such as – Expected Rushing Yards: designed to estimate the number […]


Increase Your Hybrid Presence with AWS Outposts

Extending the potential of AWS services in your hybrid-environment with AWS Outposts (see physical AWS Outpost rack below) – AWS Outposts was a service that was introduced at AWS re:Invent in 2018. It allows you to extend the capabilities of AWS services like ECS, EKS, RDS, and EMR locally. You can also extend the power […]


Making Sure You Get Git

Cloning, Committing, Pulling, Pushing, Merging, Master. I’m happy to write a full-blown in-depth post about git best practices. Let me know in the comment section of this post. I think it’s a really important subject for new developers. And even seasoned vets push to the master branch on accident every now and then. But I […]