
Amazon Comprehend Modeling & Training Enhancements

Amazon Comprehend extends its services by providing developers the ability to version ML models, leverage specified training set data, and migrate updated models to existing endpoints with recent updates to model management and evaluation enhancements. Comprehend is a service that provides the ability to specify a data source (often within an S3 Bucket), and extract […]


Amazon Rekognition – Celebrity Edition

Tagging images and videos of popular celebrities for your Machine Learning applications can be time consuming. Let Amazon Rekognition handle that for you with its enhanced Celebrity recognition feature. Some Machine Learning solutions don’t require a great depth of knowledge of API’s or SDK’s. For applications that you’d like to leverage scalable, deep-learning technology without […]


AWS Ground Station Data Delivery To S3 Now Supported

Ground Station is one of my top 3 favorite AWS services. And now AWS is making it easier than ever to capture payload data and telemetry coming from a satellite into S3 as your data delivery source. Once you’ve scheduled a ‘contact’ with a particular satellite of your choosing, you can now have the data […]