
Which Browser Are You Using?

Hopefully the answer is something like this.. I don’t feel a little late to the party on this, like you might’ve expected. But I’ve realized more than even as I’ve been preparing for my CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Exam), that there’s a better alternative to relying so heavily on my most-utilized browsers (Google Chrome, […]


Apple Vision Pro: What This Means

Interesting Elements Of The Technology That Greatly Validates AR/MR/Immersive Technology And Also Vastly Change The Tech Status Quo At a whopping $3,500 price tag, the Apple Vision Pro headset will be available in 2024. This first-generation technology from Apple greatly validates a market and industry that has been greatly hyped since the early 2010’s. TLDR: […]

Music Technology

‘Hey Mama’ Radio EPK

How I created an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) page for my first song on Spotify, using GitHub pages and Amazon Web Service I am so grateful I got to work on this song, and everything I’ve learned along the way from both the musical and technical aspect of this project. You can check it out […]