
Amazon Community Builders And Why You Should Join

The Amazon Community Builders program offers Swag, webinars, and access to Amazon Web Services updates before they are generally available. It is a great program for any new and experienced developer!

Thanks to Chris Norris for sharing this photo, a fellow AWS Community Builder member!

Once you are accepted into this welcoming and ambitious group of AWS builders, you will first be sent some Community Builder SWAG. Just as AWS is constantly evolving, so is the Community Builders’ Swag box and its contents. But you can expect stickers, AWS credits ($500) to use towards your current and future projects built with Amazon Web Services, a notebook and pen, and a drink tumbler. Edit – I almost forgot some of the coolest items of the Swag box, a free AWS certification exam voucher (up to a $300 value) and a free subscription to Cloud Academy (AWS/Cloud training).

Community Builders also receive alerts through the AWS Community Builders Slack workspace about upcoming webinars from AWS experts and advocates. Learn how to scale your production web applications, maximize performance and minimize costs, or deep dive about a particular service with Sr. Product Managers from the AWS team.

There are multiple channels within the AWS Community Builders Slack workspace that you can join including: Networking Content Delivery, Machine Learning, Databases, and more. Here you will have access to a cohort of other builders looking to learn and leverage technologies that you might share interests in!

AWS re:Invent
AWS Community Builders at re:Invent

Amazon Web Services also hosts events where you can meet up with other Community Builders and meet the individual driving this program forward, Jason Dunn. He has been a vital part of why this is a thriving and exciting community to be a part of, and continues to grow the value of this program for new and experienced developers!

Resources mentioned in this article:

Dale Yarborough

By Dale Yarborough

I am a Software Engineer at General Motors and Appalachian State University Alum. Previously: Whole Foods Market IT, Charles Schwab