
Open 3D Engine Release

In partnership with Amazon Web Services, Open 3D Engine (successor of Amazon Lumberyard) releases its first stable real-time game development version “Stable 21.11”.

Managed by the Linux Foundation, Open 3D Engine is a set of tools for cinema-ready quality game engine development. O3DE (actually the SDK) an open source game engine with support for MacOs, Windows, and Linux operating systems. There are a number of partners and core integrations that make Open 3D Engine such a special technology for game developers. To name a few: Adobe, AWS, Hauwei, Intel, Niantic, Red Hat, SideFx, Kythera AI, and more. With a growing community contributing to the already millions of lines of code, this open source platform is going to be well-positioned for game developers and teams, and projects making their way into the Metaverse.

Like Unity3D and Epic’s Unreal Engine, O3DE is very portable with support for MacOs, Windows, and Linux. The engine itself and components are modular, making it easy to write once, test, and deploy all from within the Open 3D Engine platform. O3DE is built as a collection of C++ modules called Gems that is packed code that provide tools and functionality. As a developer you can chose from a variety of Gems that will help build your game or virtual experience, like a Material editor for editing the ‘skins’, colors, or ‘shades’ of your game assets (the things in your virtual world that make it special!).

Having code integrations with web services (Amazon Web Services), and a number of companies and technologies like Adobe and Kytheria AI make this easy to build, design, integrate (artificial intelligence), and deploy in an many-in-one platform. Open 3D Engine’s Gem system makes it possible to push code to your repositories, manage your workflows, and design your virtual world(s) in one place with easy extensibility and modularity.

Lastly, if you are looking for a tool to start integrating your NFT’s or metaverse ready (virtual) assets, this is a great tool to look into. Unreal and Unity3d can be expensive (some of their licensing can run you a costly budget), and this is one that offers core features and functionality at a much more reasonable price. You can even get started today with O3DE code templates that allow you to quickly generate boiler plate (again very modular components) to help you get started building virtual worlds and experiences. If you are interested in where to start first, check out O3DE’s White Box Gem tool that allows you to start sculpting and manipulating geometric volumes really quickly to start sketching out your virtual world(s) or environment(s)!

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Dale Yarborough

By Dale Yarborough

I am a Software Engineer at General Motors and Appalachian State University Alum. Previously: Whole Foods Market IT, Charles Schwab