
Aframe is really cool.

I have been working on a few side projects over the past couple weeks. Wanted to work on delivering better content and skill-ing up. Here’s a quick Aframe project I’m working on.

Aframe is a super cool way of getting familiar with WebGL with great ease because of it being primarily made up of markup language, exactly how you would take advantage of HTML elements with similar hierarchical makeup.

I was able to find helpful open source libraries for creating assets with Aframe and customizing my virtual environment. I was able to find an interesting library for charting data in my web page.

One of the elements in the WebGL environment loads an image from an S3 bucket after the page has finished loading. The image is generated from csv data that shows the amount of dollars spent per student per state, and the ranking of the top 5 states based on k-12 and university scores.

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Dale Yarborough

By Dale Yarborough

I am a Software Engineer at General Motors and Appalachian State University Alum. Previously: Whole Foods Market IT, Charles Schwab