

Amazon Web Services is making a strong push for Machine Learning and wants to help get customers get familiar with the technology. Just today AWS posted three Machine Learning (ML) related articles.

Amazon is no stranger to training customers on their platform and Machine Learning is no exception. You can already register for an AWS Specialty certification exam here. But as of today, there is a new digital training course on Amazon FSx Lustre Primer. Now what the heck is that? And why should you care? If you are asking those questions, you’re asking good questions.

Amazon FSx Lustre Primer is a high-performance file storage on AWS, specifically geared towards compute workloads. For example, if you have large datasets in S3 (usually stored flat files, like a csv or json file), FSx for Lustre is perfect for processing that data and ‘allowing you to run your workload without managing data transfer from S3‘. So, what would this look like in plain English? Let’s say you created an excel file with tons of rows and columns of data – like information about all of the birds that are commonly found in North America (here’s a good resource for bird data that you can download in csv format). And you had a list of the bird names and tons of information about each of those birds. That’s probably a large dataset that depending on your needs, can take a long time to process. FSx for Lustre makes it easier to run high performance compute loads while also allowing for much faster read and write speeds. These capabilities are especially beneficial for machine learning.

AWS’s new course on leveling-up with FSx for Lustre runs 100 minutes, is self-paced, and offers quizzes along the way to check your knowledge as you go. Click here to get started with the course today!

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Dale Yarborough

By Dale Yarborough

I am a Software Engineer at General Motors and Appalachian State University Alum. Previously: Whole Foods Market IT, Charles Schwab